Our work in this area has been in two main categories: investigations and the review or audit of workplaces or organisations.
Investigations: Since becoming a Licensed Investigator in 2014, Colleen Johnson has undertaken numerous investigations for a range of public sector and private entities in Victoria and New South Wales in Local Government Code of Conduct investigations, workplace misconduct, unethical conduct, bullying, harassment, discrimination, physical and sexual assault, fraud and alleged abuse of people in disability services. Colleen has also been engaged by the S.A. Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner as an expert reviewer and investigator.
Reviews and audits: We have undertaken many reviews or audits of workplaces or organisations. Many of these have been part of developing a strategic plan for organisations, while others have resulted from identified problems or complaints about their operations or services. Many such reviews have been aided by the development and application of customized surveys to determine satisfaction of staff, customers or external stakeholders and areas requiring attention.